Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Daily Reasoning Quiz : 25/09/2018

Directions (1-5): In each of these questions, a statement is given followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. we have to assume everything in the statement to be true and then consider the two conclusions together to decide which of them logically follows beyond a reasonable doubt from the information given in the statement.
Mark your answer as:
(a) If only conclusion I follows
(b) If only conclusion II follows
(c) If either I or II follows
(d) If both the conclusions I and II follows
(e) If neither conclusion I nor II follows

Q1.Statement: The minimum qualification for this job is graduation. However, candidates who have appeared for the final year of graduation can also apply.
I. All candidates who are yet to graduate will be there in the list of selected candidates.
II. All candidates having graduation as their minimum qualification will be there in the list of selected candidates.

Q2.Statement: Company 'X' had asked its employees to declare their income and assets but it has been strongly opposed by the employees' union and no employee is going to declare his/her income.
I. The employees of the company 'X' do not seem to have any additional income besides their salary.
II. The employees union want all the senior officers to declare their income first.

Q3. Statement: Morning walk is good for health.
I. All healthy people go for morning walk.
II. Evening walk is harmful.

Q4. Statement: Fortune favors the brave.
I. Risks are necessary for success.
II. Cowards die many times before their death.

Q5. Statement: Irregularity is a cause for failure in exams. Some regular students fail in the examinations.
I. All failed students are regular.
II. All successful students are not regular.

Solutions (1-5):

S1.Ans. (e)
Sol. It cannot be concluded from the given statement that all candidates who complete graduation and who are appeared for the final year of graduation will be there in the list of selected candidates as it is not sure. So neither conclusion I nor II follow.
Sol. It is not cleared in the statement that employees of company “X” have any additional income or employees union want declaration of salary by senior officers first. So neither conclusion I nor II follow.

S3. Ans.(e)
Sol. Conclusion I does not follow because the given statement does not mention anything about healthy people.
Conclusion II also does not follow as nothing is mentioned about evening walk in the given statement.

S4. Ans.(e)
Sol. Conclusion I does not follow because in the statement there is not mention about the risk and success. The statements talks about the fortune and brave.
Conclusion II does not follow because it is vague.

S5. Ans.(e)
Sol. Conclusion I does not follow because of the word ‘All’.
Conclusion II also does not follow because of the word ‘All’.

Directions (6-15): In each question below is given a statement followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to assume everything in the statement to be true, then consider the two conclusions together and decide which of them logically follows beyond a reasonable doubt from the information given in the statement.
Give answer
(a) If only conclusion I follows
(b) If only conclusion II follows
(c) If either I or II follows
(d) If neither I nor II follows
(e) If both I and II follow

Q6. Statement: The standard of education in private schools is much better than Municipal and Zila Parishad-run schools.
I. The Municipal and Zila Parishad should make serious efforts to improve standard of their schools.
II. All Municipal and Zila Parishad schools should be closed immediately.

Q7. Statement: In a recent survey, it has been stated that those who undertake physical exercise for at least half an hour a day are less prone to have any heart ailments.
I. Moderate level of physical exercise is necessary for leading a healthy life.
II. All people who do desk-bound jobs definitely suffer from heart ailments.

Q8. Statement: If all players play to their full potential, we will win the match. We have won the match.
I. All players played to their full potential.
II. Some players did not play to their full potential.

Q9.Statement: Population increase coupled with depleting resources is going to be the scenario of many developing countries in days to come.
I. The population of developing countries will not continue to increase in future.
II. It will be very difficult for the governments of developing countries to provide its people decent quality of life.

Q10. Statement: ‘We follow some of the best and effective teaching learning practices used by leading institutes all over the world’. – A statement of a Professor of M.N. Institute.
I. The M.N. Institute is one of the leading institutes of the world.
II. Whatever is being followed by world’s leading institutes will definitely by good and useful.

Q11. Statement: Only good singers are invited in the conference. No one without sweet voice is a good singer.
I. All invited singers in the conference have sweet voice.
II. Those singers who do not have sweet voice are not invited in the conference.

Q12. Statement: No country is absolutely self-dependent these days.
I. It is impossible to grow and produce all that a country needs.
II. Countrymen in general have become lazy.

Q13. Statement: The best way to escape from a problem is to solve it.
I. Your life will be dull if you don’t face a problem.
II. To escape from problems, you should always have some solutions with you.

Q14. Statement: In highly centralized power structure, in which even senior cabinet ministers are prepared to reduce themselves to pathetic countries or yesmen airing views that are primarily intended to anticipate or reflect the Prime Minister’s own performances, there can be no place for any consensus that is quite different from real or contrived unanimity of opinion, expressed through a well orchestrated endorsement of the leader’s actions.
I. The Ministers play safe by not given anti-government views.
II. The Prime Minister does not encourage his colleagues to render their own views.

Q15. Statement: This world is neither good nor evil; each man manufactures a world for himself.
I. Some people find this world quite good.
II. Some people find this world quite bad.


S6. Ans.(a)
Sol. Conclusion I follows as it is directly implied by the given statement.
Conclusion II does not follow because it is too severe.

S7. Ans.(a)
Sol. Conclusion I follows as it is mentioned in the given statement that chances of heart ailments are greatly reduced by a regular half-hour exercise.

S8. Ans.(a)
Sol. Conclusion I follows as match can be won only if all the players play to their full potential.
Conclusion II does not follow because it contradicts the given statement.

Sol.The fact given in Conclusion I is quite contrary to the given statement. So, I does not follow. The fact given in Conclusion II mentions the direct implications of the state discussed in the statement. Thus, II follows.

S10. Ans.(b)
Sol. Conclusion I does not follow as it is not directly mentioned in the given statement.
Conclusion II follows because it provides a suitable explanation to the given statement.

S11. Ans.(e)
Sol. Both conclusion I and II follow because they provide suitable explanations and directly follow from the given statement.

S12. Ans.(a)
Sol. Conclusion I follows because it provides a suitable explanation to the given statement and this is a fact. Conclusion II does not follow because nothing about the lazyness of countrymen is mentioned in the given statement.

S13. Ans.(b)
Sol. Conclusion I does not follow because it is not directly related with the given statement
Conclusion II follows because it provides a suitable explanation to the given statement as one should have some solutions.

S14. Ans.(a)
Sol. Conclusion I follows as it is directly implied by the given statement.
Conclusion II does not follow as it contradicts the given statement.

S15. Ans.(e)
Sol. Both conclusions I and II follow because they provide suitable explanations and directly follow from the given statement.

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